When we talk about the notoriety of a website, it can mean several things. In search engine optimization, we can calculate the notoriety, popularity or authority of a site based on signals perceived by the Google algorithm. Links, or backlinks, pointing to your site from other domains are all elements that can be interpreted as recommendations in the eyes of search engines.
Netlinking is therefore in itself a real indicator of notoriety, which you need to take care of to ensure that your pages rank well in Google results. To do this, it's essential to acquire backlinks from sites that are relevant to your business sector, and which themselves already have a good domain authority.
Whether in the real world or on the web, the interactions you engage with your brand count a great deal in its appreciation and apprehension by your potential visitors and prospects. That's why it's important to take into account both your physical and online customers. Both can often work in synergy, more commonly referred to as web-to-store or store-to-web. So as not to discourage these two categories of consumer, your reputation and e-reputation need to be in tune.
A poor in-store experience can translate into a flow of bad reviews and comments on Google or directly on your website. Conversely, visitors who are unhappy with their online experience won't go there to engage further with your brand. While E-reputation can be artificially cured by controlling what is said about you on the web, a bad reputation IRL can be fatal to your sales.
If you have a flagship product, a new product or a news item that sets you apart from the rest of your competitors, press and influencer relations are a must. Without being perfectly measurable, this brand awareness or popularity vis-à-vis other media can have powerful repercussions on the rest of your acquisition levers, for several reasons:
It's easier to click on a Google result for a brand or company name you've heard of, or on a product sheet that's been tested by an influential blog.
We're more likely to try out a new service or brand if it's been recommended to us by a trusted site or blog.
We share news or good deals when they are highlighted by a medium to which we are accustomed.
More technically, creating a buzz or getting good press coverage can not only ensure traffic to your site from the platforms involved. But it also creates a snowball effect, with more and more media outlets and bloggers wanting to pick up your news and relay it, which in turn will give them additional content to publish on their site.
To sum up, there are a number of things you can do to develop your reputation on the web:
monitor and nurture customer satisfaction, both in-store and online
offer a pleasant and ergonomic user experience on your site
seek potential partnerships with other platforms in your industry
animate your community on social networks
communicate news by writing and sending a press release: new products/services, major changes, innovations, prizes and competitions...
Itekcom can support you through all these stages, with services provided by webmarketing experts.
Contact us for more information or to discuss your digital strategy.